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Bio-Tracker Omega Wave Physical Structure Mental Edge Training Light Therapy

Bio Tracker – Bio-Electromangetic Response Technology (BERT)

The Bio-Tracker combines the fields of Naturopathy, Homeopathy, traditional Medicine and Acupuncture with today’s leading edge BioElectromagnetic Response computer technology.  The BioTracker, through means of electrode probes held by the athlete, passes a minute electrical current through a specific part of the body and measures the resistance to that current. After the assessment, the athlete is then given a diet and homeopathic supplements consistent with those findings and the expertise of the test administrator.

  • Help detect biochemical changes before they develop into full-blown problems
  • Produces graphic profiles showing clearly where there is need for adjustment
  • Discover which substances might be affecting the athlete’s health or performance
  • Discover which remedies will allow him or her to regain optimum well-being

The Bio-Tracker is a system that facilitates, as never before, clear communication between the body and the assessor, enabling the bio-electromagnetic fields of the body to be accurately measured and assessed. The technique has been in use in Europe for the past two decades and is currently employed by thousands of physicians in the United States and Europe. The Bio-Tracker represents the culmination of recent advances in these techniques, in corresponding medical fields, and in related hardware and software technology.

The Bio-Tracker measures resistance to a minute electrical current flowing through a specific part of the body. It is able to assess whether the electron-flow recorded against specific low voltage and amperage is indicative of either stressful or optimum conditions within specific meridians (such as Lung, Heart, Large Intestine, etc.). The Bio-Tracker produces graphic profiles showing clearly where there is need for adjustment to bring imbalances back to ideal readings.

Every health problem is firstly an energetic phenomenon. The Bio-Tracker can therefore, possibly help detect biochemical changes before they develop into full-blown problems. Electro-magnetic profile evaluations can then also be confirmed by laboratory tests once the analysis has been made. The Bio-Tracker has the unique advantage of possible detection of systemic stress caused by past exposures to chemicals, diseases, micro-organisms or radiation of one kind or another which may contribute to an athlete’s underlying health or performance problem.

Every substance, drug, plant, food, color, smell, medicine, and even disease, each has its own unique electromagnetic frequency signature. The unique makeup of each medication signature has been labeled as a medication selection within the virtual electromagnetic tray of the BioTracker. The BioTracker, through means of electrode probes held by the athlete, passes a minute electrical current through a specific part of the body and measures the resistance to that current to determine whether the electron-flow recorded against specific low voltage and amperage is indicative of optimum condition in that specific meridian. If the resistance recorded is found to be outside the acceptable range of optimum health, the BioTracker allows the assessor to administer one or several of over 150,000 computer-labeled virtual substances through the probes. If, after so doing, the resistance changes, the test administrator is able to determine, by a process of computer aided elimination, which virtual substances might be affecting the athlete’s health or performance, and which remedies will allow him or her to regain optimum well-being. The athlete is then given a diet and homeopathic supplements consistent with those findings and the expertise of the test administrator.

Avalon Effect Light Therapy

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are a form of light therapy that is a relatively recent outgrowth from the laser industry yet proven more effective by covering a greater surface area in a shorter amount of time. Light therapy is currently being used in clinical and home settings around the globe. It has been in use by the medical profession for more than 20 years, to reduce pain and increase circulation. Its growing acceptance has become more abundant in the medical field.

Photo energy from light therapy has been shown to:
Dilate the blood under the vessels, which often causes an increase in circulation
Additionally, patients and clients may experience:
Decrease in local swelling
Decreased inflammation
Decreased muscle spasms and tightness
Decreased tension
Increased range of motion
Increased lymphatic drainage
Increased venous dilation and flow
Diabetic patients and clients with peripheral neuropathy typically may experience an increase in sensation to pressure and hot/cold.
“Light energy is profoundly capable of influencing the healing process and how the visual apparatus is not the only sensory organ that responds to light.”
–Dr. Deepak Chopra, Author

How does light therapy increase circulation?
The infrared photo energy releases nitric oxide from the hemoglobin and possibly surrounding tissue. Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule that is known to relax smooth muscle cells found in the arteries, veins, capillaries and lymph vessels. When these muscles relax, they dilate the blood vessel, thus allowing increased circulation.

How does light therapy reduce pain?
Nitric oxide has been shown to be essential for wound healing even if chronic or traumatic. Scientific literature shows that nitric oxide promotes collagen synthesis, collagen fibril alignment, and angiogenesis. Nitric oxide is also a neurotransmitter. Nitric oxide, in layman’s’ terms, acts as a safe, natural pain reliever in the cells.

Omega Wave will assist you in


  • Identifying optimal training program for your team
  • Customizing training volumes and intensities for individual players
  • Identifying proper regenerative and recuperative activities
  • Minimizing risks of injury due to over-reaching and overtraining


  • Preparing your team for peak performance
  • Predicting performance of individual players
  • Minimizing chances of poor performances on game day

Omegawave’s noninvasive performance optimization technology was developed by sports scientists through years of extensive physiological research and repeated testing of thousands of elite athletes.

As modern training programs for elite athletes primarily involve increases in training loads, volumes and intensities, it has become critically important to monitor and control the individual’s adaptation reactions to training, and to evaluate the individual’s reserve capacity.

Quick and efficient monitoring of adaptation processes ultimately leads to improvement of training programs and limits the risk of over-reaching and over-training. A comprehensive assessment of the functional state of the organs and systems (cardiovascular, metabolic, neurohumoral, neuromuscular, and sensorimotor) that either define or limit physical work capacity, is therefore necessary.

The value of such a comprehensive assessment increases with the frequency with which it is performed. Assessments collected over time provide insight into the adaptation process. They help identify positive means of regeneration, assist in periodization of loads, volumes and intensities, as well as control recovery and overall health.

Omegawave is the only commercially available product that monitors an athlete’s functional state and adaptation process. Omegawave assessments are performed noninvasively and at rest, reducing the athlete’s stress and the risk of injury. Results are available immediately after the completion of the two minute* assessment and provide coaches with training related recommendations.

Physical Structure
Bio-Mechanical Structure Analysis (BMSA)

Bio-Mechanical Structure Analysis assessments look at the athlete’s physical movements and discover optimal motion that will bring about better performance and minimize the chance of injury. It requires looking past the physical structural symptom to the cause for the pain. The symptom never dictates the approach to therapy, but is instead only a temporary obstacle. To effectively facilitate healing, we must first remove the negative stimulus that has disrupted the normal kinetic chain function of your body. Only then can healing and peak performance ensue.

Mental Edge Training – MET

Whether you need to move past performance blocks due to confidence, find laser-like focus or you just need to calm the voices of fear which prevent you from achieving your goals, mental edge training is what you know you’ve been looking for. Our sports mental training specialist utilizes cutting edge mental technologies for any athlete to achieve their performance dreams.

  • Sports Hypnosis
  • Visualization
  • Goal Setting
  • Sports & Personal Life Coaching

DISCBehavioral Assessment
Understand your behavioral style and capitalize on your assets rather than play to your weaknesses.  DISC offers understand of your behavior and the behaviors of the people around you.  This is a must for team building and understandings.


The SportsPro™ is a normative psychometric profiling tool that assesses the key character traits and psychological competencies associated with athletic success.

The CoachPro™ is a normative psychometric profiling tool that assesses the key competencies associated with success in a leadership position. The CoachPro™ measures the individual’s motivational structure, comfort with conflict, attention to detail, recruiting ability, leadership style, among other important social-psychological factors.

The GolfPro™ is a state of the art psychometric profiling tool that assesses a variety of psychological competencies associated with success in the sport of golf.

The FitnessPro™ is a psychometric profiling tool that assesses an individual’s personality dispositions, as well as their opinions and attitudes towards exercising.

StressPRO™ empowers individuals to become more vital, productively healthy self-managers of their personal stress, their lifestyle balance, and their worklife stress and satisfaction.

The FitnessTrainerPro™ is a psychometric tool intended to help in the selection, matching, and development of Personal Trainers.

Team Building Assessments and Initiatives

  • Identify issues through our comprehensive Needs Assessment.
  • Present the team building program to your staff and review the goals of the day.
  • We allow for input and ideas from the participants throughout the activities.
  • Assist of learning and experiences.
  • Facilitators will direct the group and debrief after each activity.
  • Connection to the workplace result in powerful conclusions and learnings.
  • The program will promote a positive work environment and collegial rapport.
  • Your team will have fun and learn more about each other.

Team Vision Consulting

We specialize in understanding the needs of our clients and designing customized programs to suit specified goals.
Because we recognize that no two companies are alike, and no two challenges the same, every program we manage is customized to meet the specific needs of each client. We work with you to identify issues that you would like addressed through our comprehensive Needs Assessment. We present the program to your staff and review the goals of the day, allowing for input and ideas from the participants throughout the activities. Each activity builds on the lessons and observations established by prior ones, allowing for scaffolding of learning and experiences. Facilitators will direct the group and debrief after each activity. Connections to the workplace are made, and participants’ observations about the dynamics of the activities and the connection to the workplace result in powerful conclusions and learnings.  In addition to these workplace connections, your team will have fun and learn more about each other – which also promotes a positive work environment and collegial rapport.

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